Sunday, November 28, 2010

Times gone past and the little porcelin weather poodle

Does anyone remember the porcelin weather poodle?
That cute little poodle who mysteriously changed his color and to this young was for no apparent reason. Well for years that poodle sat in the window sill of the kitchen looking out as though it guarded us from the elements.

 I loved that little poodle and when I was alittle older I asked the question of my dad " how does the poodle change its color" and that is when my Dad sat me on his knee and began to explain the mystery as to how the poodle changed his color.

Now years later...and I mean years...I still have a connection to that long lost poodle of years gone by.
These years who needs the poodle when they have me...
 I'm not as cute as that perky little porcelin poodle and you won't find me perched upon the kitchen sill but you will know by looking at me what the weather is going to bring.
I have suffered for many years with overactive T other words psoriasis.
Just what causes T cells to malfunction in people with psoriasis isn't entirely clear, although researchers think genetic and environmental factors both play a role.
And thats where the connection between the poodle and I come together.
For years suffering from psoriasis, I have tried every ointment, salve and over the counter medicines they have out there. Holding on to my strenght of resistence to not use the shots or pills that are out there where the side effects, to me, far out weigh my condition of psoriasis.
I have finally come to find a resonable relief for my ichy and flakey skin.  
If your like me and don't want to invade your body with Biologics and gamble with the side effects then maybe you may find comfort in a few things I have found to be comforting and manageable.

Watkins,  which is a company thats been trusted since 1868 with their natural and organic products has some pretty good products that help me deal with my condition.
 If you'd like to see those products simply click on the word Watkins and it will take you to see my favorites that I use and then while your there take alook at all the other great products they have.By the way,  the era of the porcelin poodle also was shared by Watkins products that my mom kept on hand,like their famous award winning Vanilla.

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