Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Earn Extra Income Selling Watkins Products

Are you one of the 500,000 workers laid off in America?  If so, consider starting a Watkins home-based business now and never be worried about job layoffs again.  No, Watkins is not an opportunity to instantly replace all of the income you’ve been accustomed to immediately, or even within a few weeks or months.  But Watkins is a real, honest, down-to-earth business opportunity that will provide you the means and ways to ultimately build a full-time income working only part-time hours on a consistent basis.
Can you earn more from a Watkins business than you’ve been accustomed to in your former career?  By all means, but once again, the truly big income from running a Watkins business will come in 3 to 5 years, once you’ve had a chance to build a customer base and a large downline sales organization.
Consider why you should explore this opportunity now:
  1. Watkins is America’s oldest network marketing company, founded in 1868 – 141 years ago.
  2. Watkins has an impeccable reputation, know for “timeless integrity.”
  3. Watkins manufactures and sells 350 products for the home, family and personal use.  Thus, the minute you start a Watkins business you have a large company and a huge product base behind you.
  4. Watkins product are manufactured with the utmost care, to the highest standards, often exceeding the standards of competitive products by wide margins.
  5. Watkins cuts no corners in making products.  Great examples of this would be Watkins cinnamon and black pepper.  Both are 100% pure ground cinnamon and black pepper, with no inert fillers like you’ll find in store-bought cinnamon and black pepper.  This means Watkins cinnamon  taste stronger, fresher and more flavorful than other brands.
  6. Watkins not only survived the Great Depression of the late 1920′s, it was one of a small handful of American companies that actually grew, increasing sales and adding jobs during the depression.
  7. Numerous Watkins products are recession proof.  Everyone needs cooking oils, seasonings, flavors, extracts, toilet bowl cleaner, detergent, soaps, insecticides, etc. during good times and bad.
  8. Watkins products are products that consumer use every day and order again and again — what I call “perfect” products for a network marketing company.
  9. Watkins compensation plan is one of the best in the business.  You start off making 25% on products and this can grow to as high as 39% based on total sales by you and your downline.
  10. Being a network marketing company, you not only earn money from your sales, but from sales made by associates you recruit, associates they recruit, etc.
There are several ways to market Watkins products, including craft show sales, catalog sharing, trade shows, Living Naturally parties and online marketing.  I specialize in training new associates how to build very successful Watkins businesses online and have had great success selling Watkins products and sponsoring new associates using online marketing techniques.
The Watkins business model is designed to start as a part-time business and build over time.  If you’re unemployed you can obviously build your Watkins business much faster.  Craft shows, Living Naturally parties and encouraging new associates to Watkinize their own homes can quickly earn you several hundred to $1,000 per month pretty quickly.  Taking your business beyond that will require a focus on both selling and sponsoring.
I can teach you how to automate both of these processes using online methods developed by the Summit Group.  The Summit Group is an elite group of Watkins associates I belong to that offers all its members superb online training tools and sales aids.  I’ve learned how to wire these tools into my own online business model to put much of my Watkins business on autopilot.  I can do the same for you.

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