Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What makes it a Family Affair

Hi there ...I know I'm usually talking shop on my blogs but I'm going to start adding in things from the past n present (ummmm that sound familair) that brings joy and memories to mind

Maybe you can help me out today, cause I'm in need of ideas

My girlchild becomes a young adult this January and for her 18th birthday I'm at a loss for ideas on what to do for her.
Lacie Jae graduates this year and after graduation she moves into her new position as a dairy manager for some friends of ours and she will have her own home. She's a hard working girl, raised on our family dairy farm until we retired, her love is for the cows and of course throw the boyfriend Zack in there too. She milks for the farm now but after she graduates she goes full time.
Anyways, this little gal is down to earth, no fancy stuff but she does appreciate what she recieves in life, for her sixteeth birthday I really got her, when she was little we got her a electric car and she drove that thing everywhere, but her favorite drive was down the long driveway to grammies house, didn't matter what time of day it was or how many times it was, the trip to grammies in her car with her brother who didn't walk yet strapped in the seat beside her was a trip of determination for you see every trip meant grammie had a bowl of ice cream ready for their visit

So for her birthday when she was 16 I found one of those cars, the mechanics are work gave me some old keys and i put them in a card along with some roses and sent them to the schools office, of course her pals all knew what was coming next, we parked the little red car out front of the school put a big yellow ribbon on it and waited with camera in hand to snap the look on her face...ya, it was nasty what I did but did we laugh, and so did the principle, office staff and all her pals. The look on her face was priceless...don't worry she got real car later on...
So here's where I need your help..hopefully you got alittle look at how we play together,
I need something really inventive for this 18th birthday...now remember were down to earth people money is not the object...nor do I have any for that matter (who does these days and not to mention the fortune going out for Graduation things, good thing that only happens once heheehee)
Can ya help me girls? 
Here's my beautiful daughter Lacie Jae

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Your newest follower here via Blogfrog. I would say gift her the joy of reading. Maybe a nice basket she can use to store things and fill it with books that she would have interest in. Stop over and join my giveaway blog when you get a chance. Happy New Year to you and your family. Hugs, Digna
