Monday, December 27, 2010

Before You Decide....Know Your Vision

                      How Important is Vision in your Life?
                   Vision is the single most important aspect for
                     reaching our destiny in life.
                     “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
If you lack vision, several things happen: you lose your way, you lose your purpose, and you lose your passion - three critical elements to achieving your dreams and goals.

Before you start looking into any work from home business, sit down and commit your vision to paper, this will help guide you to the right business.

Consider the fate of Smith-Corona – what were they famous for? They pretty well had the market on typewriters. Then what happened? They lost their vision; they were content with typewriters, and in a nutshell, had no vision for word processing, and about five years later, they shut down. They lost their vision, and they lost their way.
Successful people in real life are people with vision. Steven Covey said, “successful people begin with the end in mind.” Wayne Gretzky said, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it was.”
I certainly haven’t met anyone yet that hasn’t had to make the effort to succeed, unless you were Forrest Gump of course. But that’s not real life.

The reality is that when you let circumstances rule your life, and not vision, you go from failure to failure, from calamity to calamity.
                   Vision causes us to pursue our purpose.

                       So how can you create your vision?

          Start with what you want to accomplish in your lifetime…
· What do you want to Be, Do, Have and Give?
   · Where do you want to go with your business? Why?
·       What will it do for you, your family, and those you love?
·          Is there anyone you want to help that may have helped you?
·           Do you need to plan for your children’s education?
·             Do you want to be financially independent so that you
                 can donate your time and energy to a cause you love?
·                  Perhaps you need to get out of debt
                    or buy yourself a new safe & dependable car·

          If you woke up today and had all the money you needed,
                                   what would you do with it?

                          What would you do with your time?

Once you take the time to create your vision, stay close to it. Don’t let circumstances get in the way of your destiny, let your vision guide you to your destiny.

Start today..take hold of your life.... if you would like to know more about how I go about creating my vision....let's start here
   Please take the time and have the vision when deciding on your new business. I'm not after you just to get you to sign up for myself, I'm wanting to help others like myself who has asked herself what she just asked you above.

Don't go into a business just because its
inexpensive to get started, or everyone else seems to be doing this.

Make sure you have plenty of support and a great product with a excellent reputation.
Just click on the go button and see for yourself how a great income opportunity there is working side by side with me .
Take Care

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