Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your Skin and Your Health

The skin is the largest organ of the body and accounts for about 16 percent of a person’s body weight. It is flexible, waterproof, and covers the entire outside of the body. It performs several important roles, including acting as a barrier, regulating influence between the outside environment and the controlled environment within our bodies, as well as providing assistance to the liver, kidneys, and intestines in the removal of waste.

In addition, because so much importance is attached to our appearance (and therefore the skin), any skin problems can also have a major psychological and social impact on the person affected. This makes it vitally important to support skin health on an ongoing process.

For many years, people have made use of synthetic ingredients and chemicals in skincare and cosmetics. Nowadays, people are becoming more proactive about their health, and there is an increasing demand for pure, natural products for skincare and cosmetics, as well as an awareness of the importance in supporting skin health via systemic support.
WATKINS PRODUCTS             The natural way

Being an organ of the body, the skin should not be seen in isolation. In fact, skin health and vitality is best achieved by pursuing systemic health. Following a healthy diet and exercise routine helps to support the body as a whole and can have excellent results on skin health if adhered to regularly. A good night’s sleep is also one of the best tonics you can give your skin, as all the cells of your body are rejuvenated while you are sleeping.

Remember that anything that affects your liver will affect the appearance of your skin, as your liver and skin are closely linked in their efforts to purify and cleanse the body. Cigarettes, alcohol, recreational and prescription drugs and even unhealthy, fatty fast foods can all contribute to a sluggish and unhealthy liver, which will in turn affect the health and appearance of the skin.
Natural remedies have an excellent record in the maintenance of skin and systemic health and are well worth exploring in a quest for skin support. 

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